ACES Annual Review: March 2024

‘…The programme and the system-level approach are now being recognised as world-leading work that will have real impact on people’s lives globally, aligning closely with key objectives of resilience, sustainability, equality, diversity, and inclusion…’

Explore the sustainable cold-chain technologies being deployed at ACES for testing and demonstration

Resilience to shocks and disturbances

Equitable livelihoods

Access to safe and effective vaccines and medicines

Access to safe and nutritious food

Clean energy transition and environmental sustainability

Rwanda’s Environment Minister opens Africa’s sustainable cooling and cold-chain centre

New centre will house ground-breaking facilities enabling the testing and certification of sustainable cooling equipment tailored to African needs

Africa’s Cold Rush and the Promise of Refrigeration

“For the developing world, refrigeration is growth. In Rwanda, it could spark an economic transformation.”

40% of food in Africa is lost between production & consumption‘ Sir Alok Sharma

Ahead of #COP27 governments, civil society and the private sector must work together to deliver on the commitments in the #GlasgowClimatePact‘ Sir Alok Sharma

government and Academic Partners